Sunday, June 21, 2015

Trip 2 - Day 5: Noodles Rock!

If there is anything certain I can say about Hyun, it is that he LOVES noodles.  It doesn't matter if it is in the form of spaghetti, ramen, black noodles... whatever - he loves them.


We had contemplated going to Suwon to visit our friends and go to church with them - it is about an hour by train ride from here.  In the end, our gut was telling us that Hyun just wasn't ready - and I'm glad we followed that hunch.  Today, we ventured out to the Korean War Memorial, and, as always, Hyun was so happy to go (he loves going anywhere...).  The trip started out well, and he was hanging onto me like glue.  As we were venturing through a variety of cool tanks and ships, he was having a good time - then "it" happened. 

I honestly don't know what "it" was, but we walked into a small room that had some videos and other things set up, and he immediately started freaking out.  He couldn't get out of there fast enough.  He was banging on the doors telling me "lets go" in Hangul, so of course we left.  After that, he was extremely distant, wouldn't hold anyone's hand or allow us to hold him.  When we stopped for a snack shortly after that - he wouldn't share any of the snacks, and shortly thereafter he hit me in the face knocking off my glasses.  Even while having lunch, he was yelling at the waiter to give him more bread.

When we started into the adoption process and I considered things that may be difficult - this type of thing was it... there is something from the past embedded in his little mind, and when it is triggered, he doesn't know yet how to respond.  I don't know what exactly triggered the painful moment for him... was it a good memory or a bad memory? Was he scared?  Was it something we did or was it something in the room?  I don't know.  We will never know.  I praise God for patience for all of our family today - and Reese was dynamo and remained calm and consistent.  He never wavered or got angry at Hyun.  He is an amazing big brother.

While eating lunch, Reese was talking about how much Hyun will likely dislike riding in a car seat since he's never been in one.  He said, "it will be hard for him, so we need to start praying about it".  I had honestly not even considered praying about it - though it has been a worrisome thought in my mind multiple times!  Thank you, Reese for reminding me that God cares about all the details of our lives.

We did have a short time of worship, Bible reading and communion together this morning, and we celebrated Ron's first Father's Day with Hyun as a part of our family.  It was sweet.  I am so thankful to be a part of this family, this adventure, and to have a husband that loves the Lord and takes such good care of us.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and videos, so so happy for you all
