Monday, July 20, 2015

Week of 7/12/15

Crazy!  That describes normal life, doesn't it?

Well, during the week of 7/12/15, we experienced the following:

  1. First Urgent Care visit in the US - Yes, a busted head; Hyun had to get stitches because he jumped off a step and then rolled right into a chair.
  2. First home visit from our social worker since Hyun came home
  3. First "well-child exam" - Went well; only a few minor concerns.
  4. First time to bowl (at least with our family it is his first... maybe he went bowling in Korea??)
  5. Announced that we are closing Celebrate Recovery at Highland Park - a ministry that we have been a part of for >11years... wow.
Hyun has been going to bed a little easier this week which has allowed us a little more "one on one" time with Reese in the evening.  This is valuable time for us to pour into him (or mostly just snuggle on the couch and watch TV together with no interruptions).

I thought you might be interested to know Hyun's current list of English words (these are words that he actually uses properly - not just words that he is repeating.  He repeats EVERYTHING Reese says.)  There are many words that he understands but doesn't say yet.  You may note that "Daddy" is not on the list; it's because he calls him "Appa", and we haven't really corrected or tried to change that.
  • Mommy
  • Reesie (he actually calls him "Reese-ah", which is a "Korean-ized" version of his name :)
  • "Up" in order to be held (he actually says "up-ah") 
  • Get (as in Mommy get me food)
  • Chicken
  • Pizza
  • Cereal
  • Hungry
  • Cookie
  • Tea
  • Cheese
  • Pickle (he's not talking about a real pickle; he's talking about the Veggie Tales show "Dave and the Giant Pickle")
  • Cooper/Carter (Reese's friends)
  • "E-Bs" (instead of ABC's)
  • Amen
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Hi
  • Bye Bye
  • Stop
  • Go
  • 1,2,3 (but I'm pretty sure he doesn't know he's counting... he just knows that something fun usually happens after saying it)
  • He can say milk, but ultimately fights with us because he still claims it is definitely "ewyoo" and not "milk".
Here are a few pictures to enjoy.  
Yes, we are "that" family.  Even our 8 year old gets to ride in the cart... it's just too fun not to do it now that there is a 2 year old to ride along with him.

I think it's so ironic that we take a kid from Korea, where guns are outlawed and even pixilated on TV, and all he does is find ways to make guns and shoot them at people.  When we were at church a few weeks ago, he used some blocks to make a gun, then pretend shot it at the elderly lady who was brave enough to sit next to us!

This boy is really into puzzles right now!

So, apparently the American flag is one of his favorite toys.  He takes it with us almost anywhere we go.

First trip bowling.  Eventually he decided that pushing the ball off with his hand wasn't good enough, so he started kicking it off.  It was a technique that I'm pretty sure had never been done before.


Hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Love your updates! He is so cute and it seems things are moving along well😀. I'll be in touch soon!! Xo
