Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Simple Life

Right now, we are living the simple life - just trying to figure out our new normal.  I'm mostly remembering how many messes the mom of a 2 year old is required to clean up :).

The general rule for Hyun right now is "Whatever big brother does, I shall also do!". Reese doesn't mind this at all, but this morning - the inevitable happened - one of Reese's Lego creations got destroyed by Hyun.  We had wondered "when" and "which one" this would happen to, and now we know.  Reese was obviously not happy, but pretty quickly forgave him - so we went to enjoy some time at the park.  We are trying to teach Hyun boundaries in respecting some of Reese's things... hmm... not sure Hyun understands yet. :)

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