Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trip 1 Day 9: Nanta

Today was filled with preparation for our court hearing, a bit more sight seeing, and a trip to see Nanta - an amazing, non-verbal theatrical show in Seoul.  This show was definitely a highlight of our trip.  It was really funny and full of skill - martial art style dancing, drums, amazing use of knives, and a few other things.  Reese was mesmerized through the whole thing.  I think he went expecting to be bored.

Not really anything in the way of pictures today.

There are 8 families headed to court with us tomorrow... Each has been waiting similar time frames as us.  There are 6 boys and 2 girls waiting to be adopted to each of these families.  Obviously coming to Korea is a trip of a life time, but it is surreal that we ultimately all traveled this far to stand in front of a man that has never met us and will determine each family's path forward based on a 10 minute translated conversation.  I've heard many good things about the judge in which we have been assigned, and I am believing that we will be chaperoned by the Holy Spirit... May our words be His words, and may His love shine through us tomorrow.

Our court hearing will be happening when in is 9pm central and 10pm eastern time Thursday evening.  If you are awake during this time, will you join us in prayer?

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Our family will be praying at 9:00! The kids were so excited to see videos of Reese's new brother.
